Mahjong Blue Set
The Mahjong Set Set by Luxe Dominoes comes with blue and white tiles, 4 blank tiles, 2 extra joker tiles, 2 racks, a blue lid, how to play booklet, and point markers. Each acrylic box is handmade by craftsmen in Miami.
The Mahjong Set Set by Luxe Dominoes comes with blue and white tiles, 4 blank tiles, 2 extra joker tiles, 2 racks, a blue lid, how to play booklet, and point markers. Each acrylic box is handmade by craftsmen in Miami.
The Mahjong Set Set by Luxe Dominoes comes with blue and white tiles, 4 blank tiles, 2 extra joker tiles, 2 racks, a blue lid, how to play booklet, and point markers. Each acrylic box is handmade by craftsmen in Miami.